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📅 Starts: 18th March 2025 📍 Little Parndon School ⏰ Two sessions over two weeks | 9:15 - 11:15 AM A great opportunity to gain insights, connect with other parents, and make a real difference in your child's emotional development. Don't miss out!#TheLPAWay

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Our school was bursting with creativity and excitement as we celebrated World Book Day yesterday! The children had an absolute blast dressing up as their favorite book characters or wearing their pyjamas and diving into the magic of stories. pic.twitter.com/yTh8XytC2K

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Shove Tuesday started with pancakes in breakfast club. We're not happy that these delicious looking pancakes didn't make it to the staff though!


We are thrilled to share that our Eco Club's dedication to environmental sustainability has been featured in a recent article by Your Harlow. We couldn't be prouder of our students' commitment to transforming our world for the better. Well done all! https://t.co/3nnDVpZn5h


✨ Our Whole-School Sensory Room – open to all pupils, featuring a music wall, tube light, sensory light wall, hanging fibre lights, projector and vibroacoustic chair. Both spaces are designed to help children regulate, engage, and thrive!

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Year 6 were really excited today to receive their leavers jumpers! pic.twitter.com/Cb6Xn7hPvw

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Yesterday, our youngest children extended their learning on dinosaurs by going to Hertfordshire Zoo. The children had a talk, walked through dinosaur land and later got to see some of the other animals in the zoo. They all had an amazing time, even though it was COLD!

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It is non-uniform day at LPA but the learning doesn't stop. Our amazing children keep our mission going "shaping futures through education."

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A huge congratulations to our Recognition Award students!! It is always lovely to hear about how you have been working hard and modelling our values around the school. Keep up the amazing work! 🎉

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At LPA, we've launched several new curriculum areas over the past two years. Among these is our art curriculum. In Year 6 they explore the works of the artist Rembrandt. The first image shows their initial draft, while the second displays the final version after feedback. pic.twitter.com/zlHtqr92YH

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On Monday, our amazing choir represented our school at Young Voices. The children had an incredible time and were a credit to our setting. Well done all!

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Are you looking for effective ways to support your child through managing anxiety and navigating big emotions? If so, please come and join us and MIND for a coffee morning at LPA on 28th January at 8:50am. pic.twitter.com/W1tkj7J9eG

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From Pepe and all the staff at LPA, we would like to wish all of our pupils, their families and our community a very merry Christmas!🎄🎉 pic.twitter.com/aUWXKGo7NU


...to my visitor. Really nice to see this type of behaviour. Credit where credit is due to you and the staff at LPA." # Respect


Lovely feedback to end the year: "I just wanted to say how impressed I was today when visiting the school. I was with another outside contractor and from the moment we walked into the school the students opened doors for us, welcomed us in and generally were very chatty...

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What an amazing way to end the year. Our Governor's assembly was filled with celebration: recognising the amazing achievements of our children - and staff. Congratulations to all! A big thank you to the parents and carers who came to celebrate. 🎉

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Our year 5 children have been learning about Andy Warhol in art. They have produced some amazing artwork inspired by the artist. Well done year 5! 🎨 🖌️

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Our children had a fantastic time today wearing their Christmas jumpers, eating Christmas dinner and having a Christmas class party. There were festivities all around! 🎄 pic.twitter.com/8G0rmlavqz


When a member of the public sends in an email about your year 6 cohort: "Hello I’m just at Hever Castle with my four year old and saw your school are here on a visit. Although there were a lot of your pupils in the play castle who are all a lot bigger than my child, she came out


saying how friendly they were to her. She said ‘they let me go first on the slide, even though it wasn’t my turn’. I wanted to feed this back to you. Have a lovely weekend."

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At Little Parndon Primary Academy, we are wholly committed to ensuring that all children and adults are cared for in a safe and secure environment. To fulfil this commitment, a number of safeguarding arrangements are in place.


Policy and Procedures

We ensure all policies and procedures in respect of safeguarding children are up to date and in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education. The policies are accessible to all staff through our website, on the staff room wall and on the school's internal network. Policies and procedures are reviewed and revised by leaders on a regular basis. You are able to view all of the relevant policies using this link: Polices


Local Governing Board Responsibilities

We have designated members of our governing board who are responsible for safeguarding. They complete audits and oversee termly reports from the school, as well as, overseeing policy changes and holding the senior leaders to account on safeguarding related objectives.


Safer Recruitment

To promote a safe environment for students, our selection and recruitment procedure includes all checks on staff and regular volunteers. All interview processes are overseen by a staff member who has undergone the safer recruitment training. Little Parndon meets statutory requirements in relation to Disclosure & Barring Service – all staff and volunteers who work with Little Parndon who meet the ‘regulated activity test’ (Freedoms Act 2012) is required to undergo an enhanced DBS check prior to employment.


Safeguarding Leads/Deputy Leads

At Little Parndon, we have a Safeguarding Lead (Ms. Wilkie) and five Deputy Leads (Mr Wildig, Mrs Green, Mrs Linden, Mrs Selvon and Miss Dobson) who lead on Child Protection issues within the establishment. They are clear about their role, have sufficient time and receive relevant support, and training, to undertake their roles, which includes close contact with outside agencies including social services, the Local Authority Designated Officer and relevant health care organisations.



All eligible staff and volunteers are required to undertake relevant safeguarding training and this is regularly reviewed to ensure it is up to date. A training database for all staff and volunteers is maintained, while training needs are reviewed as part of individual performance reviews and more broadly throughout the organisation by audit. 



Little Parndon has robust audit checklists to ensure that safeguarding systems and processes are working. The audit includes: the monitoring of the Single Central Record, the monitoring of Policies and Procedures including, ‘Whistleblowing’ and the monitoring of training for all employees and volunteers, guidance and support. Our Governor for safeguarding audits our recording and referral procedures annually through a detailed report.


First Aid

Many of our staff are first aid trained and we have four members of staff who are paediatric first aid trained. If your child required medical attention for a minor bump or scrape, you will receive a 'white accident form', which will be sent home in the child's book bag. If your child has a more significant injury or bumps their head, you will receive a phone call or be spoken to by the class teacher. When on site, please alert a member of staff if you feel unwell and they will call for assistance for you. Alternatively, please go to the school office.


Health and Safety

Healthy and Safety risk assessments are reviewed annually and new ones created for individual, specific, requirements.

Contractors must ensure that they are fully conversant with the safety rules and regulations to be observed by contractors working on site.

As a visitor to our school it is essential that you follow the health and safety guidelines that may apply.



Little Parndon Academy is a non- smoking school – this includes e-cigarettes. Please DO NOT smoke on site.



Upon registering your child with us, we ask your permission to take photographs of them and where we can share these photographs. You can change the status of this permission at any time.

Visitors and parents must not take any photographs or videos on site without first gaining permission from the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.



We have a fully secure site; during school hours, no one can enter without approval from the school office. All visitors, supply staff, student teachers and contractors coming into the school must report to the school office.

As a visitor you will be asked to sign in and be issued with a lanyard, which must be worn prominently so that staff and students can see you are a visitor. Depending on the circumstances, you may also be asked to show any identification and your DBS certificate.

If you are a regular visitor to the school you will need to sign in on each occasion. When you leave the site please ensure that you sign out and return your lanyard.


Fire and Evacuation

We undertake regular fire drills. We time these fire drills with the intention of improving our escape times.

If you are a visitor and have a host they will explain and guide you through any emergency procedures. If you are in school for the day please ensure you read the evacuation notice in the room you are in and the details in our visitor booklet. If the alarm sounds for any reason follow the instructions. If you evacuate, the assembly points are in the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. If you have students with you please ensure they leave quickly and calmly with you.


Parking on site

Parking on our site is strictly for staff and parents of physically disabled students. 


Thank you for helping to keep Little Parndon Academy safe

Little Parndon is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. 


Have a concern?

If you have a safeguarding concern that you feel should be raised with the school, please contact the school via telephone or email and ask to speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead. If you feel a child or adult is at immediate risk of harm, please contact social care or the police directly.

Essex Children's Social Care: 0345 603 7627

Essex Adult's Social Care: 0345 603 7630

Police: 999 (Emergency)

             101 (Non-emergency)


School website by Cleverbox